Affiliate and Earnings Disclaimer

Affiliate Disclaimer

In an effort to be completely transparent, we want to let you know that we have an affiliate relationship with some of the companies whose products or services we recommend in Savibiz Media Inc. at This means that we will earn a commission or credit if you decide to buy any of their products or services. Just to be safe, you can assume that any link that you click while on our site or using any of our products is an affiliate link and we will earn compensation as a result. We recommend you buy these products or services only if you really need them.

Earnings Disclaimer

There is NO GUARANTEE and NO WARRANTY that employing the techniques, ideas, strategies, products or services that are detailed in Savibiz Media Inc. at or in personal consultation services will produce results for you personally or for your business. Examples that may be provided in personal consultations, articles, videos and other sources on the site are just that – examples. They may or may not work for your specific situation and are not to be interpreted as a guarantee or promise of earnings, changes or results in your personal life.

The materials and services provided on are not to be interpreted as a “get rich quick” scheme in any way or a path to immediate personal changes or results. Your earning and personal potential is entirely dependent upon you, and the current state of personal and business development at the time you employ such techniques and ideas.  The level of personal and professional success you reach are entirely dependent upon your commitment to change and motivation to create results through consistency, diligence, focus and hard work.